About Us

Growing Trust Multipurpose Cooperative Society Limited is a registered Cooperative (AK30226) with the Akwa Ibom State Government to provide Savings and Loans Services to its members. As a Cooperative Society, the organisation also seeks to improve members' welfare through commodity sales, housing schemes, etc.

Our Mission

To create and distribute wealth through the provision of exceptional services, transparency and accountability to members and partners alike.

Our Vision

To become a leading Multipurpose Cooperative Society in Nigeria, with transparency and clients’ satisfaction as our hallmark.

Our Core Values (TRT)

📌 Transparency
📌 Reliability
📌 Trust

Our services

We make your life comfortable with our services.

Take A Loan

We have several plans to apply for a loan. You may apply to our loan plans by submitting the required valid information.

Save with Us

Enjoy any of our savings schemes designed with you in mind.


Buy Now and Pay Later

Our Convenience Unlimited Package allows you to access electronic gadgets, household items, etc. now and pay later.

Why Choose us?

See also